Welcome to my blog
Hello my name is Ruth Silverstone and thank you for reading my blog.
I’m a humanist funeral celebrant and I help people to plan funerals to celebrate and give thanks to the person you loved. In my work I meet so many people from all walks of life with different experiences and often with different cultural traditions. But what links us all is our shared grief, the grief we feel from the loss of our loved one.
My blog aims to give you some insights into how a humanist funeral celebrant works, and over the next few pages I share my experiences of working with families and individuals on the worst day of their lives.
It is my great privilege to be here for you, to listen to you talk about the person who has died and to help guide you to achieve the most apt celebration to honour them.
“Grief is just love with no place to go”
Grief is part of our shared human experience, as is love. So, if I can help you to express your love through your grief, then I have done my job well.